Check out this Very Handsome bookstack! 🤩
Thanks @tabrunoauthor for including The Last Watch! 🙌🚀💫
#Repost from @tabrunoauthor
Books I've read in 2021 so far—MEGA THREAD!
I've been so busy finishing up On the Winds of Quasars and editing Book 3 of the Song of Kamaria trilogy that I have been falling behind in #bookish content!
The two exceptions on this list are Of Honey and Wildfires and The Last Watch, which I am still reading both.
Here's the list: (from top to bottom, this isn't a ranking. I enjoyed all of these.)
+A Deepness in the Sky. Vernor Vinge
+The October Country. Ray Bradbury
+Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke. Eric LaRocca
+To Be Taught, If Fortunate. Becky Chambers
+The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. Beck Chambers
+*The Last Watch. J. S. Dewes
+A Memory Called Empire. Arkady Martine
+Piranesi. Susanna Clarke
+*Of Honey and Wildfires. Sarah Chorn
+Goodbye to the Sun. Jonathan Nevair
+Transference. B. T. Keaton
+Velocity Weapon. Megan E. O'Keefe
+Project Hail Mary. Andry Weir
(* denotes I'm still actively reading.)
It's been a great reading year so far! See anything you read? What did you think? Have a favorite on this stack?
Happy reading everyone!