It’s January 1st aka NEW PLANNERS DAY!
✨ What planner/s are you using this year? ✨
I have two new planners (my usual time-tracker Passion Planner + new EC Monthly planner for writing only) and one ongoing (content planner that runs from Aug-July).
THREE PLANNERS IS A LOT OF PLANNERS. But I know some people do a lot more so I’m calling it moderate. 😇
I’m taking goal planning pretty lightly this year, at least for this quarter, and likely Q2. There’ll be a lot going on with two books coming out (APRIL and AUGUST omg) and though I know I need to keep working on new things, I’m also going to make sure I take the time to enjoy it. I tend to overbook myself to extreme degrees, and I don’t want to risk burning out and not being able to enjoy the ride!
Narrator: “yeah guys, she burnt herself out anyway“
Trying my hardest to put some positive vibes out into the world as we venture into 2021. Clearly Pandemic is going to continue through both my book releases this year, but I’m determined to make the best of it. Silver-lining: I get slightly less anxious over virtual events than in-person since I can immediately cuddle my pets both before and after, and wear sweatpants if I so desire. 🙃

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