👀 Ever just casually flipping through Locus & see your book??
Thrilled to shout about this amazing review of Rubicon in Locus Magazine! 🎉 (Full review in April 2023 issue.)
TL;DR » “A hell of a fun ride.” 🔥
"Adrienne is an interestingly broken main character. The novel zips along nicely, and as military-flavoured science fiction goes, it’s astonishingly good. (I am, alas, astonished by milSF that avoids the pitfalls of misogyny and US-style colonial conservative politics. Rubicon not only clears that bar but leaps above it, with strong prose and striking atmosphere also to its credit.) … A hell of a fun ride.“ — Liz Bourke, Locus Magazine
Thank you @locusmagazine! 💙