I’ve found myself in possession of TWO extra 2021 Erin Condren Monthly Life Planners, so I figured I’d run a giveaway to find them new homes because goodness knows I do not need more planners! 😅⠀
Apologies for January being halfway over already, but it’s never too late to start PLANNING!⠀
Head over to Instagram to enter! (Ends 1/19 at 9pm CT)
#erincondren #erincondrenlifeplanner #erincondrengiveaway #plannergiveaway #writerswhoplan #eclifeplanner #lifeplanner #plannerlove #plannernerd #plannergeek #planneraddict #weloveec #authorplanner #authorgoals #writergoals #writinggoals #passionplanner #writingplanner #writingcommunity #writerslife #writerlife #writinglife #creativeplanning #erincondrenmonthly #2021planner #newyearnewgoals #2021goals #plannernerds #writersjourney #plannerlife