I literally cannot believe it’s time for 2022 planners already 😲
What planners are you using for the new year?
I’m trying out a weekly Erin Condren & hoping to have some systems in place with it by the new year. At this point my Passion Planner has become my time tracking planner only, I hardly do any actual planning in it other than a few broad weekly tasks.
Which has worked out great—it’s been incredibly helpful to have that kind of raw data at my fingertips. Counting up my hours spent on projects has helped me determine what I can or cannot take on & has repeatedly helped me realize I need to step back or risk burnout/death. (For example when I noticed I’d been working (between day job & author) 75-90 hours a week for months on end—that was a wake up call for sure 😅)
(And yes, I got two because I couldn’t pass up the space-themed cover, but it was hardcover and all my others are softcover and I like consistency and I am VERY torn. So, yeah, I don’t know which I’m going to use, stay tuned 🙃)
