First Worldcon membership! Feels like a right of passage. 🚀✨
Here’s hoping the world hasn’t fully imploded by next August, and I actually get to go. 🤞
Feeling very lucky it’s taking place in the US my debut year, not that I would have minded getting to go somewhere like Dublin like in recent years, but it’ll be a hell of a lot cheaper to get to DC. 😅
Also, fangirling a liiiiittle bit because I just saw that John Harris is a guest of honor!!! 🤩 I loved his art before I even knew it was used for sci-fi covers. I have very few author bucket list items, but John Harris as a cover artist is definitely one of them.
Have you ever attended a Worldcon? Or considering next year? Or holding out to see if we’re knee-deep in apocalypse by then?
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